Kerala, India 678 001

Plant A Seed Campaign

The Bhoomithrasena Club of Government Victoria College organizes the 🌱”Plant a seed” 🌱 Campaign as part of Celebration of the World Environment Day on 5th June, 2021.


This year the theme is “Ecosystem Restoration”. Be a part of this campaign by planting any available tree seeds in your homestead or courtyard or in any available fallow or agriculture lands suitably and without disturbing the day to day activities of that area.


Please be kind enough to be a part of this small movement. This is for a greater cause. Planting a seed, mimic the natural method of plant dispersal and growth thereby ensuring more success rates and survival of these trees.


Please extend this concept to your friends, family and neighbors.


Kindly share a picture of your efforts also, as a motivation to the upcoming generation.


Hoping that all the staff and students of our college and all interested will become a part of this movement.


Alen Alex Philip

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PIN 678001


0491 257 6773

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