The department of chemistry at Govt. Victoria College, Palakkad is mainly focusing on the teaching and research aspects of chemistry, offering bachelors degree to doctoral degree programme. We intend to give a holistic approach for chemistry education through seminars, discussions and lecture workshops, which are being conducted periodically. Our department faculty members are invited speakers for the several seminars and lecture workshops conducted inside and outside Kerala. Our department is effectively using the MOODLE platform (an interactive learning management system) for conducting laboratory experiments and teaching. Our department is a centre for micro-scale experiments in chemistry. Department of Chemistry is a dynamic centre for research at the frontiers of chemical sciences. The emphasis at the curricular level is to give a broad coverage of all branches of chemistry in keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of the subject today. The department has been recognized as a centre for excellence by the Government of Kerala. It offers fundamental and advanced courses covering a wide gamut of topics in chemistry and closely related areas, and comprehensive research training to nurture future scientists, teachers, and technical professionals in the field. The high-quality research pursued by the faculty members of the department supplement and complement the teaching and training of undergraduate, post-graduate and Ph.D. students. Our master’s students do well in national-level competitive examinations and several of them go on to pursue a research career.
We strive to:
To become a centre of excellence in chemistry education, training & research.
To impart holistic chemistry education using state of the art technology and infrastructure leading to the development of qualified professionals
The department of chemistry is one of the oldest departments of this college. B.Sc programme in Chemistry was started in the year 1939 and MSc programme, in the year 1978. We have received DST-FIST assistance in the year 2009 to the tune of 37 lakhs for augmenting the basic and research facilities of the department. In the year 2012 the department was upgraded as a research department by the University of Calicut. Mr. M. T. Vasudevan Nair, famous Malayalam writer, Mr. P. Chandrasekharan IPS DGP Kerala, Professor K. A. Natarajan (IISc. Banglore) are some of the illustrious alumni of the department.
Govt. Victoria College
Kerala, India
PIN 678001
0491 257 6773
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